IT Solutions and Services Covering All Phases of your Business Technology

KeyNet’s IT Solutions and Services unique end-to-end lifecycle technology brings expertise, integration, efficiency, consistency, and convenience contributing to the ongoing success of your business.

Empower Your Business with Our End-to-End Lifecycle Solutions

Explore Each Phase…

KeyNet provides an end-to-end solution that covers all phases of your business’ IT system lifecycle, from design and implementation to ongoing management and security. This ensures that your IT system is reliable, scalable, secure, and aligned with your business objectives.

Elevate Your IT Solutions and Services Strategy: Contact Us for Expert Guidance and Seamless Tech Transformation

Testimonials without scripts. Real clients sharing unfiltered feedback.

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“You can get services, there’s always companies out there that are competing, but there is an integrity piece, a trust [with KeyNet]. Customer service, that you can’t always buy. Kevin has built a team that has all of those. That’s why I don’t see us ever changing. He’s built a great company.”
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“KeyNet brought us out of the stone age; slowly moved us into a much more efficient networking model. They are constantly bringing up proposals to us to improve our networking – keeping our users working and bringing revenue in.”
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“That customer service aspect that makes you feel like you’re not really a dummy, even though there’s no comparison. Kevin doesn’t talk down to you, he talks to you and gets you to understand things in a way that makes sense to you and it’s just an extremely rare quality that he has. It’s truly an awesome partnership.”
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“There are providers I have dealt with over the years that I’ve replaced because they didn’t measure up. They just weren’t reliable, their sales staff was horrible, and I got rid of them. I don’t have any of those issues with KeyNet. I know every single person there and some I consider friends.”
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“I really think that KeyNet Technologies is a great company and I think everything that they do is well thought out. They are methodical with everything they do, and they are not just fixing ‘x’ without looking at the whole picture. I think that’s what sets them apart from any other IT service.”
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“Time is money and if we’re down, we’re losing time and money. We’ve yet to come across anything like that since we’ve been working together with KeyNet.”
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“They never treat us like they have more important customers.”


Our strategic partners are tech industry leaders.

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Experience the KeyNet Difference

Ready to Elevate your IT? Let’s Talk!

KeyNet does not offer “good, better, best” solutions for your IT infrastructure and cybersecurity.  Instead, we begin the process by utilizing a proprietary risk-based assessment to gauge your current cybersecurity risk. Using this data, we thoughtfully craft solutions to support your business goals, increase efficiencies, secure your technology, and lower your overall business risk.

Three IT professionals with blurred faces protecting identity